Web Design

I have been doing site design and creating original graphics for the Web since 1995. I have experience in advanced XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, some Flash, some PERL and SQL, a range of content management systems and am continually learning more about each of these technologies. One of my specialties is building multilingual Web sites; I enabled the world's first-ever live text news sites in Uyghur, Burmese, Tibetan, Khmer and Lao for Radio Free Asia. I am also working on a method for displaying semantically-correct Unicode Mongolian (in the Sogdian script) on the Web. I also have experience in original font design, print work and branding.

Radio Free Asia 2012 redesign

GroundWaves Internet Radio
(WayBack Machine cache—site temporarily down)

Edelstein Edelsteine

(Band no longer active)

A Bass And Its Boy